Vietnam end in abortion.

“Thank God for bringing the Pro-Life Training to our church. During the training I can see that whether an unborn baby or an adult – all are made in God’s image, have value and the right to life and protection equally”


Teen Abortion Risks: A Medical Fact Sheet
Teens face a higher risk of suffering abortion related complications. This is true of both physical and emotional risks, including immediate, short-term and long-term complications.

Foster parents adopt five siblings to keep them together.
Arizona couple Brenda and Curt Heuer have been foster parents to 52 children over the past 12 years - these children

The Pro-Life reply to: “Abortion can be Medically Necessary”
Written text/Translation provided by Pro-Life Vietnam Source: LiveAction.org - 11/7/2020

Doctor Confirms Abortion is Not Health Care
Doctor Confirms Abortion is Not Health Care Because “Babies in the Womb are Patients”.Florida OB-GYN
Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2018 - killing 42 million people.
- Statistics compiled by Worldometers
The huge number of deaths from abortion, leads us to call abortion "the social justice cause of our time!" In numbers, no other human rights issue compares.
Each of those 42 million abortions represents a living human being whose life was violently destroyed in their mother's womb.
Vietnam ranks first in Asia for abortion, and remains among the countries with the highest abortion rates in the world.
Ministry of Health in Hanoi, citing data from the World Health Organization
Tuoi Tre News, Sept. 27,2017
70% of so-called 'secret abortions' [done in private facilities and not officially recorded] involves girls aged 13-19.
- Report published 2016 by the National General Statistics Office of Vietnam
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Lorem ipsum is simply free text available in the market wesbites.
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