Teen Abortion Risks: A Medical Fact Sheet
Teens face a higher risk of suffering abortion related complications. This is true of both physical and emotional risks, including immediate, short-term and long-term complications.

Foster parents adopt five siblings to keep them together.
Arizona couple Brenda and Curt Heuer have been foster parents to 52 children over the past 12 years - these children

The Pro-Life reply to: “Abortion can be Medically Necessary”
Written text/Translation provided by Pro-Life Vietnam Source: LiveAction.org - 11/7/2020

Doctor Confirms Abortion is Not Health Care
Doctor Confirms Abortion is Not Health Care Because “Babies in the Womb are Patients”.Florida OB-GYN

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2021
Washington, DC More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2021. National | Steve.n Ertelt | Jan 3, 2022 |

Speaking to People about Pro-Life Saves Babies.
Pro-Life Training: 28,077 in 2020!
We were so excited in January when we counted the last reports for 2020 and saw that a total of 28,077 people had attended the 4 Questions prolife training in 2020

3 năm thành lập bảo vệ mầm sống việt nam
This update comes three years since our first prolife training in Vietnam - Nov.-13-2017.

Hallelujah! Chúng tôi đã đạt tới con số 20.000!
HALLELUJAH! WE HAVE REACHED 20,000 PEOPLE TRAINED! July-7th our trainers trained their 20,000th local believer in prolife values – a great milestone!