Hallelujah! Chúng tôi đã đạt tới con số 20.000!
July-7 th our trainers trained their 20,000 th local believer in prolife values – a great milestone! The blessed ‘number 20,000 th ‘ person is a 28 year old ethnic minority woman with 5 children and has been a believer 20 years. She was one of 273 trained that day in her village in Lai Chau and was really happy to unexpectedly receive a nice gift parcel (500,000vnd, biscuits, soap) to mark the achievement. A banner also marked the occasion.

Kneeling in center of photo, with a big smile, holding her gift – the 20,000th person trained in Pro-Life in Vietnam.
A huge thanks, and congratulations to Pastor Khuat Van Quyet and his wife Vuot, who have worked tirelessly to reach this goal.
To date 23,065 people have attended Pro-Life training, in more than 100 trainings in 35 provinces, including Kinh and 18 ethnic groups, from 25 denominations and more than 220 churches. Thousands have stood to publicly confess abortion sin – 700 in July alone - and weep over the many babies lost in abortions!
The training is impacting local lives, churches and communities! By teaching biblically-based bio-ethics or Life Values believers understand why abortion is wrong, thus exposing the sin of intentionally killing innocent persons and the sin of ignoring, or doing nothing to stop the innocent being killed. People are lead in repentance, healing begins and communities of believers determine to stop abortion sin and act to save babies and mothers from abortion harm. This is also when the church gets a ‘voice’ on this issue and can begin to lead and bring change to the greater abortion-culture they live among. This is when the ‘Gospel of Life’ confronts the culture of abortion!
I wish I could share every testimony, but here’s one from a 25 year old ethnic minority woman who has been in the church 10 years and had 3 abortions during that time. Here’s what she says:
“My father is a pastor but I’ve never heard him teach [any prolife message]… I see now that… boy or girl, both have equal value, and… unborn baby or adult person no one has the right to take their life!
Before my abortion I talked to my mum and dad, but they didn’t say anything, because abortion is really common here. Nearly every woman has abortions, at least 1 or 2, and others have 6 or 7! They only consider it a sin when a living [born] person is killed. I felt ashamed to have killed 3 persons… I… decided to stand and confess my sin… I will never abort a child again.
I hope you train the 4 Questions in every ethnic area because abortion is so common among us.”
Can 20,000 become 200,000?
According to statistics and estimates, about 750,000 unborn babies have already died from abortion in this first half of 2020 in Vietnam. Training changes how people think about abortion and saves babies from abortion in two ways; First, parents (including Christian parents), choose life for their own unborn babies by rejecting abortion. Second, people, share, educate, intervene and provide care for mothers in pregnancy crisis situations. Abortion no longer goes unchallenged and community values change.
Our vision is to see a biblically-based pro-life movement arising from the church – bringing the Gospel of Life to confront the culture of abortion.
You can help by becoming a trainer, or organise a training, and help reach the goal of every church being a Pro-Life church. ProLife Vietnam provides resources and training so local churches are aware of abortion, know how to help women in need and effectively teach ‘Life Values’ within the secular culture at large, bringing national change starting at the community level. Let’s make 20,000 become 200,000!
Join us in changing the way people think about the unborn and save babies from abortion!
Many thanks for your support and prayers.
David Waters